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EdS Virtual Information Session for Drexel Partner Employees and Members

Date: February 13, 2025
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET 
You are invited to learn about Drexel University’s new Education Specialist (EdS) program, offered online and available for Drexel Partner employees and members with discounted tuition. This specialized degree is designed to prepare emerging leaders with the advanced knowledge, skills, and innovative strategies to excel in their respective fields. Drexel’s online EdS also supports a pathway for students who have completed all coursework toward an education-focused doctoral degree program (at Drexel or another institution) but did not complete the dissertation (commonly referred to as “ABD”) who want to return and earn a valuable credential.
Please submit your contact information through the form below to register for the virtual information session.
If you have any questions about Drexel's online programs, simply contact 800-2-DREXEL or enroll@drexel.edu.
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