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Creativity in the Workplace - 5 Principles of ‘Samurai Creativity’ for Peak Performance Webinar

Attendees of this webinar will be able to:
  • Discover why creativity is the organizational sword of survival in our fast paced VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world
  • Learn the 4 most important words today’s creative leaders and managers repeat often each day
  • Be able to increase the creative response-ability of their own workplace culture
Rick Kantor
Adjunct Faculty, School of Education
Drexel University
After a lifetime as a serial entrepreneur, visual artist and perpetual student of all things creative, Rick is proud to be teaching "Creativity in the Workplace" to students at Drexel University where he received his Master’s in Creativity and Innovation in 2015. With a BFA in Fine Arts, a BA in Psychology from Oberlin College and studies in Modern Dance, Illustration, public speaking and Yoga, nurturing creativity is at the core of Rick's purpose and all his business ventures. He has worked with Cirque du Soleil, Disney, and all top retailers through his Halloween novelty company, Pony Express Creations; produced theatre on Broadway and currently loves speaking, publishing and consulting on organizational and personal creativity. He is also the 2017 "Champion of Creativity" award winner of the American Creativity Association.
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