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  • New Online MS in Digital Media Program

    Friday, December 11, 2020

    Drexel University will now offer an online MS in Digital Media through the Westphal College of Media Art & Design. The program will admit students in the Fall term, beginning in Fall 2021.

    Drexel’s online MS in Digital Media focuses on in-demand industry skills, including 3-D modeling, animation, interactivity, gaming, digital arts, experimental media and digital media history and theory. The curriculum combines academic research and hands-on projects, making it ideal for both those looking for professional success in the field, as well as those interested in pursuing a PhD in the future.

    “Our online program in Digital Media builds on the longstanding success of the corresponding face-to-face program. It also makes education in game design, animation, virtual and augmented reality and digital media user experience design accessible to an audience not able to enroll in a campus-based program,” said Michael Wagner, the program director for the online MS in Digital Media. “It is one of the first online programs to approach these technologies from a content design perspective. It is therefore particularly well suited for working professionals or artists who intend to utilized digital media technologies in the advancement of their respective fields.”

    The online MS in Digital Media is currently accepting applications for the Fall 2021 term – the deadline to apply is August 23, 2021.

    Drexel University specializes in innovative, internet-based education programs for working professionals, organizations and corporations, enrolling more than 7,500 unique online students from all 50 states and more than 25 countries. Having offered online degrees since 1996, Drexel is known as a leader in technology-enhanced education and enjoys regional accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

    For more information on Drexel University Online, please visit online.drexel.edu.

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